CS50 Week 0 Scratch Keywords

  1. Computational Thinking: This is a problem-solving approach that involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. It's about formulating problems in a way that a computer can help us solve them.
  2. Problem Solving: In the context of computer science, this is the process of designing algorithms to solve specific problems. It typically involves taking input data, processing it using algorithms, and producing desired output.
  3. Representation: Computers store and process data using various representations. Unary, Binary, Decimal, ASCII, Unicode, and RGB are different ways to encode and represent information, whether it's numbers, text, or colors.
  4. Abstraction: Abstraction involves simplifying complex systems by focusing on essential details while ignoring less important ones. It helps in managing the complexity of software and hardware.
  5. Algorithms: These are step-by-step sets of instructions designed to solve specific problems or perform tasks efficiently. Algorithms are fundamental to computer science and are used in everything from sorting data to searching the web.
  6. Running Times: This refers to the time it takes for an algorithm or program to complete its execution. It's crucial for assessing the efficiency of algorithms and choosing the best one for a particular task.
  7. Pseudocode: Pseudocode is a way to outline the logic of an algorithm using a mixture of natural language and simple code-like notation. It helps in planning and describing algorithms before writing actual code.
  8. Scratch: Scratch is a beginner-friendly visual programming language. It allows users to create programs by connecting code blocks that represent functions, variables, and control structures.
  9. Functions, Arguments, Return Values: In programming, functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They can accept arguments (inputs), process them, and return values (outputs).
  10. Variables: Variables are used to store and manage data within a program. They can hold various types of information, such as numbers, text, or boolean values.
  11. Boolean Expressions & Conditionals: Boolean expressions evaluate to either true or false. Conditionals, like if-statements, allow a program to make decisions based on the evaluation of these expressions.
  12. Loops: Loops are control structures that enable repetitive execution of a block of code. They are used when you need a program to perform a task multiple times.
  13. Events & Threads: In software, events are occurrences that trigger specific actions. Threads are separate sequences of code execution that can run concurrently, allowing programs to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

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Author: Brianna

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