CS50 Week 1 C Keywords

  1. Source Code:
    • Source code is the original, human-readable code written by programmers using programming languages like C++, Python, or Java.
    • It serves as the foundation of any software application.
    • Source code is composed of statements and instructions that define how the program behaves.
    • It needs to be translated into machine code before a computer can execute it.
  2. Machine Code:
    • Machine code is the lowest-level representation of a program that a computer can understand.
    • It consists of binary instructions that a CPU (Central Processing Unit) directly executes.
    • Each instruction corresponds to a specific operation, such as arithmetic calculations or data manipulation.
  3. Compiler:
    • A compiler is a software tool that translates high-level source code into low-level machine code.
    • It performs lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and generates an executable binary.
    • Compilers are essential for software development, as they ensure code correctness and optimize performance.
  4. Correctness, Design, Style:
    • Correctness refers to whether the code does what it's intended to do without errors.
    • Design concerns the architecture and organization of the code, ensuring it's structured efficiently.
    • Style relates to coding conventions, naming conventions, and code readability practices.
  5. Visual Studio Code:
    • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft.
    • It offers features like syntax highlighting, debugging, version control, and extensions for various programming languages.
  6. Syntax Highlighting:
    • Syntax highlighting is a feature in code editors that colorizes different code elements to improve readability.
    • It highlights keywords, variables, and strings with distinct colors, making code easier to understand.
  7. Escape Sequences:
    • Escape sequences are character combinations used in strings to represent special characters.
    • For example, '\n' represents a newline character, and '\t' represents a tab character.
    • They're crucial for encoding characters that are otherwise challenging to input directly.
  8. Header Files:
    • Header files in C and C++ contain function prototypes, type declarations, and macro definitions.
    • They provide essential information for using external libraries and for modularizing code.
    • Header files are included in source code using #include directives.
  9. Libraries:
    • Libraries are collections of pre-written code that provide reusable functions and classes.
    • They simplify complex tasks and enhance code modularity.
    • Developers can include libraries in their projects to save time and effort.
  10. Manual Pages:
    • Manual pages, or man pages, are documentation files on Unix-like systems.
    • They provide detailed information about commands, system calls, and library functions.
    • Developers and system administrators refer to man pages to understand how to use and troubleshoot software.
  11. Types:
    • In programming, types define the kind of data a variable can hold.
    • Common data types include integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and custom-defined structures.
  12. Conditionals:
    • Conditional statements allow programmers to make decisions in their code based on specified conditions.
    • Common conditional statements include "if," "else," and "switch."
  13. Variables:
    • Variables are symbolic names used to store data in memory.
    • They have a type (e.g., int, float) that determines the kind of data they can hold.
    • Variables can change their values during program execution.
  14. Loops:
    • Loops are control structures used to execute a block of code repeatedly while a condition is true.
    • Common loop types include "for," "while," and "do-while" loops.
    • They are essential for iterating through data and automating repetitive tasks.
  15. Linux:
    • Linux is an open-source operating system kernel.
    • It serves as the foundation for various Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS) used in servers, desktops, and embedded systems.
    • Linux is known for its security, stability, and scalability.
  16. Graphical User Interface (GUI):
    • A GUI is a visual interface that allows users to interact with software through graphical elements like windows, buttons, and menus.
    • It provides a user-friendly experience compared to command-line interfaces.
  17. Command-Line Interface (CLI):
    • A CLI is a text-based interface that enables users to interact with software by entering commands.
    • It's efficient for tasks that require precise control and automation.
    • Linux and Unix systems commonly use CLIs.
  18. Constants:
    • Constants are values that do not change during program execution.
    • They are used for defining fixed values, such as mathematical constants (e.g., π) or configuration settings (e.g., maximum file size).
    • Comments are text annotations within the source code that are ignored by the compiler.
    • They serve as documentation and explanations for code readability.
    • Comments are crucial for conveying the programmer's intent.
  20. Pseudocode:
    • Pseudocode is a high-level description of an algorithm or program.
    • It uses plain language and simplified syntax to outline the logic of the code.
    • Pseudocode is often used during the planning and design phase of software development.
  21. Operators:
    • Operators are symbols or keywords used in expressions to perform operations on data.
    • Common operators include arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), comparison operators (==, !=, <, >), and logical operators (&&, ||).
  22. Integer Overflow:
    • Integer overflow occurs when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the maximum value representable by the data type.
    • For example, adding 1 to the maximum value of a 32-bit integer would cause overflow.
  23. Floating-Point Imprecision:
    • Floating-point numbers in computers use a fixed number of binary digits to represent decimal numbers.
    • This can result in rounding errors and imprecision, especially when performing calculations with very large or very small numbers.

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Author: Brianna

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