Week 4 Memory Keywords

  1. Pointers 👉
    • Pointers are variables that store memory addresses. They are used in programming languages like C and C++ to indirectly access data in computer memory. Pointers are powerful but can be error-prone if not used carefully, as they allow for direct manipulation of memory.
  2. Segmentation Faults 🚧
    • Segmentation faults, often referred to as segfaults, occur when a program tries to access memory it's not allowed to. This could be due to reading from or writing to an invalid memory location. Segmentation faults are typically caused by bugs in the code and can lead to program crashes.
  3. Dynamic Memory Allocation 🧱
    • Dynamic memory allocation is the process of allocating and deallocating memory at runtime. In languages like C and C++, this is often done using functions like malloc and free. It allows programs to allocate memory for data structures whose size is not known at compile-time.
  4. Stack 📚
    • The stack is a region of memory used for function call management and local variable storage. It operates in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) manner, meaning the most recently called function is the first to complete. The stack is essential for managing program flow and storing temporary data.
  5. Heap 🗄️
    • The heap is a region of memory used for dynamic memory allocation. Data allocated on the heap persists until explicitly deallocated. It is commonly used for creating and managing data structures like linked lists, trees, and dynamic arrays.
  6. Buffer Overflow 🌊
    • Buffer overflow occurs when data written to a buffer (a fixed-size data storage area) exceeds its allocated size. This can lead to memory corruption, crashes, or security vulnerabilities, as attackers can exploit buffer overflows to execute arbitrary code.
  7. File I/O 📂
    • File Input/Output refers to the processes of reading from and writing to files on a computer's storage system. It allows programs to interact with external data sources, such as text files, databases, and binary files.
  8. Images 🖼️
    • Images represent visual data and are used in computer graphics, computer vision, and multimedia applications. They consist of pixels that store color information. Image processing techniques are employed to manipulate and analyze images for various purposes, such as image editing, face recognition, and computer gaming.

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Author: Brianna

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